Effective December 2023, prescribers who have access to iPrescribe may enable iPrescribe Authenticator as a second two-factor authenticator (token) to e-prescribe controlled substances (EPCS).
This only applies to prescribers who received access to iPrescribe via DrFirst and did not register independently for the app.
You will use your Rcopia username and password to log in to iPrescribe.
1. Before You Start
To set up the iPrescribe Authenticator, you will use the iPrescribe app to scan a QR code from EPCS Gold.
Since you have limited time to scan the QR code, prepare by setting up EPCS Gold and iPrescribe according to the instructions provided below.
1. Log in to EPCS Gold
2. From the Token drop-down menu, select an existing EPCS two-factor authenticator. Enter the one-time-pin (OTP) from that authenticator.
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3. Select either the Tokens tab or the Manage Tokens link.
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4. Select Add New Token.
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5. From the Token Manufacturer drop-down menu, select ONESPAN.
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6. Subsequent drop-down menus will appear:
- For Token Issuer, select DrFirst.
- For Token Type, select SOFT TOKEN.
7. When the free text field, Token Name, appears, enter a 'nickname' to identify your iPrescribe Authenticator ("token"). In the future this nickname will appear in the workflow when you select this two-factor authenticator to e-prescribe controlled substances.
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8. Have the iPrescribe scanner ready before selecting OK, as selecting OK loads a QR code that will expire.
Scanning the QR code with iPrescribe activates iPrescribe Authenticator.
1. Log in to iPrescribe.
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2. Enable push notifications, if prompted by the iPrescribe app.
Otherwise, go to Settings on your mobile device to enable push notifications for the iPrescribe app.
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3. Go to the iPrescribe main menu and select Settings.
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4. Select Enable Two-Factor Authenticator only when you are ready to scan the QR code from EPCS Gold.
2. Scan QR code
To associate ("bind") the iPrescribe Authenticator to your EPCS Gold account:
1. Return to the EPCS Gold window where you left off on step 8 of adding the new token, and select OK to reveal the QR code.
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2. On your iPrescribe app, where you have Settings open on step 4 above, select Enable as Two-Factor Authenticator.
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3. Enable iPrescribe to Open Scanner and allow iPrescribe to access the camera on your mobile device, then scan the QR code.
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4. A success message appears on iPrescribe.
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And, a success message appears on EPCS Gold.
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Note: Prescribers who already use iPrescribe to electronically prescribe controlled substances (EPCS) will not be able to use iPrescribe as an authenticator, as the DEA requires that your authenticator and prescribing software be on different devices.
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