Welcome to iPrescribe, an innovative, mobile e-prescribing app developed by DrFirst!
This article is for users registering for iPrescribe app on their own (self-registered).
To learn more about different accounts, visit iprescribe.com/pricing or contact your Account Manager.
This article outlines the major steps to begin e-prescribing from the app.
1. Prerequisite: Download iPrescribe from iPrescribe.com > Get Started, or the Google Play or Apple app stores.
2. Register for iPrescribe. Before you can begin e-prescribing, you will need to create a user profile and verify your personal identifiable information within the app.
3. Identity proofing through ID.me is a required part of the process to register for iPrescribe and a pre-requisite to e-prescribing.
4. Set up e-prescribing for non-controlled substances. After ID.me has verified your identity, the app will prompt you to accept terms of use, create security questions/answers, and set up an e-signature.
5. Enable Patient Finder to sync your patients’ data to the app.
After completing steps 1-5, you are ready to e-prescribe non-controlled substances! If you are a provider who will also need to electronically prescribe controlled substances (EPCS), continue to Step 6.
6. Activate e-prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) for your account. From iPrescribe's main menu, you will initiate a multi-step process called Activate EPCS.
7. Add controlled substance tokens to your iPrescribe account to associate multiple EPCS authenticators that generate a one-time pin or one-time passcode (OTP) to your account. This action may prevent you from losing access to e-prescribing controlled substances in the future.
8. Sign up for PDMP/PMP (optional). Prerequisite: Completed step 6. If offered in your state, you may submit an in app request to see Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP)/Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) data.
You are ready to e-prescribe! To send controlled substance prescriptions to the pharmacy, you will always need to enter two-factor authentication.
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