Account Management is available for new or existing subscribers who are on an iPrescribe plan.
Access Account Management
There are 2 ways to get to Account Management:
-, or
Log in to iPrescribe app. Go to the main menu, select Settings, then select Account Management
Non-administrators will see a limited version of Account Management.
Group practice administrators will see a full range of options:
- My Account to view your account details or change your administrator status. You can remove your administrator status only after having made at least one team member an administrator first.
- Team Members to view your practice members, invite a new user to sign up for iPrescribe, remove an existing user, and make another provider an administrator.
- Licenses to review the total, assigned, and available licenses for your practice’s account. Remember that only providers will use up licenses, staff accounts are free and unlimited.
- Billing to review your payment history and make changes to the credit card or billing address on file.
Manage Your Team
1. Once you log in to iPrescribe, you will see an Account Management screen. If not, go to the main menu and select Account Management.
2. Select Team Members.
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3. Select Add Member to add other providers.
- Remember that you used 1 license for yourself.
- You use 1 purchased license per provider.
- Staff accounts do not use up available licenses.
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4. Select the team member role (prescriber or staff) you want to add.
Adding a Prescriber Account
- Select the Prescriber radio button to add a provider. This role will use up a purchased license.
- Enter the first name, last name, and email address of that provider.
- Select the toggle at the bottom if you want this provider to also act as a practice administrator.
- Select Invite.
- You will see that the provider has been added as a team member and an email has been sent to that provider.
- The email will prompt the provider to register for iPrescribe, after which the provider will have to go through identity proofing via in order to e-prescribe.
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Adding a Staff Account
- Select the Staff radio button to add an account (non-clinical, clinical, or provider agent account). Staff roles will not use up a purchased license.
- Enter the first name, last name, email, and role of this staff account.
- Select the toggle at the bottom if you want this staff member to act as a practice administrator.
- Select Invite.
- You will see that the staff member has been added as a team member and an email has been sent to that staff member.
- The email will prompt the staff member to register for iPrescribe and join the group practice.
- For staff that will act as provider agents, once a staff member has completed registration, a prescriber must designate them as a provider agent via Manage Agents in the iPrescribe app.
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5. Add more team members later by logging back into the app at any time.
6. If you start to add another team member but you have run out of licenses, the app will prompt you to purchase another license using the credit card saved in your account. You can only purchase 1 license at a time.
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- From Account Management, select Team Members.
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- Click on the name of the team member you want to remove from the account.
- Click Remove from practice link at the bottom of the page.
- Confirm you want to remove this person from your practice’s account and Continue.
- Note: You are required to have at least 1 administrator in your practice. As the default administrator, you cannot remove your administrator status, until you have designated another team member as administrator in the app.
- Select a reason why you are removing this member.
- You will see a confirmation screen saying that the account will be removed.
- From Account Management, select Team Members.
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- Click on Add a Team Member.
- Click on the Prescriber radio button and select Continue.
- Confirm that you agree to have $79.00 charged to your Stripe account to reassign the provider’s license.
Cancel: Currently you may not cancel the invitation to an existing user. You have to remove the user’s account as described above.
Resend: You can resend an invitation to a team member by going through all the steps to invite them as a team member again.
As the creator of the group practice account, you are the default administrator of the group practice in iPrescribe. However, you may:
- Add other team members as administrators (unlimited number)
- Remove yourself as an administrator
- Note: You are required to have at least 1 administrator in your practice. As the default administrator, you cannot remove your administrator status, until you have designated another team member as administrator in the app.
Assign an administrator at first invitation
If you are inviting a prescriber for the first time, designate them as an administrator as you populate their information by changing the toggle button to Yes towards the bottom of the screen (turns green).
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Assign an administrator after prescriber accepted invitation
If the prescriber has already accepted your invitation to the group practice, you may change their status to administrator:
- From Account Management, select Team Members.
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- Click on the name of the team member you want to make an administrator.
- Change the toggle button to Yes towards the bottom of the screen (turns green).
Remove yourself as administrator
If you already designated one of your practice team members as an administrator, you may remove yourself as an administrator.
1. From Account Management, select My Account.
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2. Change the toggle button to No towards the bottom of the screen (turns gray).
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