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Search for and add a patient's pharmacy

This article will show how you can access the patient's profile, search for pharmacies for specific patients, and add a pharmacy as a favorite.

Tip: Less is More. If you cannot find a pharmacy, use less information in the search.

Search using only the first few letters of the pharmacy name and the ZIP Code of the pharmacy; any search criteria that do not match the pharmacy record will be excluded from the search results.

1. Start on the iPrescribe home screen, tap the New Rx button.


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2. Search for and select a patient. Either: 

  • Use the search bar at the top, then select that patient from the search results, or 
  • Select a patient under the section labeled RECENT PATIENTS.


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Visit Add New Patients for instructions on how you can add patients to your account.

3. On the patient profile screen, tap Change to the right of the section labeled Pharmacy.


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4. There are 3 ways to find a pharmacy:

Recents tab

Select a pharmacy from the Recents tab (10 most recent).

Note: To add a Favorite or Recents pharmacy, click the circle next to the desired pharmacy. The pharmacy will now display as the patient's pharmacy on the next screen. Repeat the steps to select a different pharmacy.


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Favorites tab

Select a pharmacy from the Favorites tab.

Note: To add a Favorite or Recents pharmacy, click the circle next to the desired pharmacy. The pharmacy will now display as the patient's pharmacy on the next screen. Repeat the steps to select a different pharmacy. 


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Find another pharmacy button 

1. Tap the Find another pharmacy button, located at the bottom of the screen showing the Recents and Favorites tab.


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2. Click the down arrow next to the Advanced Search.

  • Type the pharmacy name, city, and zip code.
  • The state will default to your practice location, but can be edited using the drop-down menu.
  • Additionally, you can select pharmacy types such as Retail, Specialty, EPCS, etc.
  • If you select the checkbox to Constrain search to Mail Order, the mail order pharmacy search will pull up mail order pharmacies from across the country.
    • To search for a specific mail order pharmacy enter the pharmacy's name or phone number, then update the city, state, or zip code.

3. Tap the Filter button to apply your search criteria and scroll down to see the results.


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4. When viewing pharmacy results, view more information for each pharmacy by using the down arrow to open/collapse each pharmacy entry.


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5. Once you have selected the correct pharmacy you will then be taken back to the Patient Profile screen, where you will see the newly selected pharmacy listed for the patient. 

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