The DrFirst Support team assigns priority levels to Support requests, based on the severity of the impact to your account/organization.
When you submit a request to Support, you may suggest the severity of the impact that you believe an issue has on your account/organization:

(click to enlarge)
Impact/Priority |
Examples |
Critical |
- Practice cannot login to or launch a product whatsoever; no workaround
- All or many prescriptions are failing with error/undeliverable message for multiple providers
- Medication(s) for one patient showing for a different patient
Major |
- Multiple prescriptions failing for one or a few providers
- Cannot prescribe or access product but there is a temporary workaround
- Slow service or service interruptions for some (but not all) users
- Account errors (e.g., one or a few providers are not set up for electronically prescribing controlled substances despite using correct process)
Moderate |
- Issues with non-core product features (e.g. Favorite medications), but providers are still able to prescribe
- General identity proofing/token assistance needed
- Account updates for demographics or location/practice needed for provider(s)
Low |
- Account updates for demographics or location/practice needed for staff member(s)
- Request for a report
- General questions on how to use or train on a product
- General questions about Help Desk articles or article topics
Some helpful questions to determine the severity of impact include:
Severity: Does this issue prevent use of a product or can you continue with a work around?
Scope: How many users are affected? A few users or multiple practices?
Certainty: Have you eliminated all other possibilities for the issue? E.g., can the issue be because of user error or a need for user training?
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