Within the iPrescribe app, you may communicate directly with pharmacies regarding a patient's prescription.
You may reply directly to pharmacies that send you requests to:
- Renew prescriptions (Renewals option)
- Modify or substitute prescriptions (Rx Requests option)
Pharmacies may initiate a renewal request for a patient's prescription.
To review and act on these renewals:
1. Go to the main menu
(click to enlarge)
2. Select Renewals
(click to enlarge)
3. For each renewal request, select an option for each patient's medication:
- Change: Modify the quantity or dosage before renewing it.
- Forward: Send this prescription to another provider in your practice.
- Deny: You will not renew the prescription.
- Renew: You will need to specify the number of refills for this prescription.
4. Once you select an option, you will see a red number adjacent to the Next button. This indicates the number of prescription requests to which you are replying.
5. Select Next to approve the action and reply to the pharmacy.
(click to enlarge)
Pharmacies may initiate a change request for a patient's prescription (e.g., substituting a generic for a brand name medication on a prescription).
To review and act on these change requests:
1. Go to the main menu
(click to enlarge)
2. Select Rx Requests
(click to enlarge)
3. For each change request from the pharmacy, select an option for each patient's medication:
- Validate: You accept the pharmacy’s proposal for a substitution.
- Decline: Reject the pharmacy's proposal for a substitution.
(click to enlarge)
4. If you are validating the changes, proceed to authorize the changes and reply to the pharmacy.
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