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Sign & Send pending prescriptions

What are pending prescriptions?

  • Any prescription that has been queued up by a provider or a staff member and has yet to be signed and sent is considered a pending prescription.
  • Up to 10 pending prescriptions can be processed at a time within iPrescribe.
  • You can take individual action on each prescription or select multiple for bulk approval.

How to sign and send pending prescriptions?

You can Sign & Send pending prescriptions from the patient profile screen.

1. Log in to iPrescribe.

2. Tap Pending on the home screen. The number of pending prescriptions will appear as a badge count next to this section (indicated with a circle in the screenshot below). 

Alternatively, you may navigate to the patient's profile. 


(click to enlarge)

3. Under the section labeled Pending, tap the prescription you want to sign and send. 


(click to enlarge)

4. Scroll down and tap Sign and Send.


(click to enlarge)

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