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Tips for identity proofing and EPCS registration via Experian

Before you start 

Have 2+ tokens ready 

Token types include: 

  • Applications for your devices (also called a soft token). Note: DEA regulations require that your soft token be on a different device than the one you're using to e-prescribe.  
  • Physical device (also called a hard token or fob). 
    • Symantec brand (image on the left)  
    • OneSpan brand (image on the right) 

OnespanToken.png          SymantecVIPToken.png

 (click to enlarge)


    • Have the app installed on your device or the physical token in your possession, since you need to register at least 1 token to complete the identity proofing and EPCS onboarding process. 
      • Note: DEA regulations require that your soft token be on a different device than the one you're using to e-prescribe.  
    • Recommended: Register at least 2 tokens; if you lose access to 1 token, you won't have to repeat the identity proofing and EPCS onboarding process again if you have a backup token registered.
    • To order tokens from DrFirst, Sign in to Submit a request, then select Token Request. (Note: Sign in to see all request options). 
Check your credit report 

Passing identity proofing and EPCS onboarding is dependent on an exact match between the data you enter and what's in your credit report; Experian compares the two sets of data to "pass" you. 

Common discrepancies: 

Experian doesn't recognize: 

  • Provider names with a period in them as valid (e.g., "M. Anna Smith"); provider should remove periods in their name from NPI Registry too.  
  • Address you entered during identity proofing and EPCS onboarding because you:
    • Misspelled your address 
    • Moved within the last 6 years 
    • Entered special characters or periods in your address 
    • Entered a residential address but your credit history is associated with a P.O. Box 

Most common errors 

Demographic data you entered doesn't match your credit report 

During the identity proofing process via Experian, you will be asked to enter demographic information in this screen below. 


(click to enlarge)

Experian may be unable to match the information you enter on this screen to your Experian credit report for the following reasons: 

Potential Issue Try 

Your name has a period in it (e.g., "M. Anna Smith").

Temporarily remove periods in your name from NPI Registry to pass identity proofing. 

Misspelled address 

Reenter your address:

  • Fix spelling errors
  • Remove special characters or periods
    • Example: 1 E. Main St. Apt. # 204 would be entered as 1 E Main St Apt 204.
Moved within the past 6 years  Check your credit report to review your address; update your credit report as needed. 
Entered a residential address  Enter your P.O. Box as the address if your credit history is associated with a P.O. Box 
Non-U.S. address  A U.S. address associated with your credit history is a requirement for Experian to verify your identity.

Date of birth (DOB)

Social Security Number (SSN) 

Check your credit report to ensure DOB or SSN are not missing; update your credit report as needed. 
Mobile number  Enter a personal mobile number where you can also receive text messages. 
Credit card  Though not required, entering the first 8 digits of your credit card may help Experian match your information. 


If Experian still cannot match the demographic information, you'll receive 3-5 credit related security questions nextCheck your credit report to ensure you are entering correct responses. 

Image capture of your identification doesn't work 
  • Use a phone or tablet to take photos of your identification. 
  • Allow access to your device's camera, when prompted.

    3_IAL2_IDPhoto.png   4_IAL2_AllowCamera.png

     (click to enlarge)

  • Center your identification on a darker background.


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  • Try refocusing the image of your identification by moving your device varying distances from your identification until the image appears clearly in your camera's viewfinder. 
Missing or incomplete credit history 
Despite your best efforts, you may be unable to pass Experian identity proofing if you don't have an extensive credit history. If this occurs, contact DrFirst Support for next steps. 

General tips

Wait to try again (maximum of 3 attempts within 24 hours allowed)

You may attempt to pass identity proofing 3 times in a 24-hour period. 

  • After 3 attempts, your account will be locked for the full 24-hour period.
  • This is an Experian security measure and cannot be unlocked.
Remove fraud alerts (optional)
Fraud alerts do not need to be turned off before going through identity proofing, but you may do so if desired. 
If you have fraud alerts in place, you'll want to complete optional fields (as well as required fields) when going through identity proofing. 
Scan QR code 

1. Open your phone or tablet's camera.

2. Hold your device so that the QR code appears in the viewfinder in your camera. 

3. Once the camera recognizes the QR code, you should see a banner for a website appear as an overlay on your camera viewfinder. Click on that banner to open the website on your phone/tablet. 


  • Try refocusing the image of the QR code by moving your device varying distances from the screen with the QR code until the image appears clearly in your camera's viewfinder. 
  • Close the camera app and try scanning again as many times as needed to click on the website banner. 
  • Apple users: 


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Reenter token credential/serial number 

To add a token, fill out the required fields as they appear on screen: 


Selection Options

Token Manufacturer 
  • SYMANTEC or 
Token Issuer DRFIRST
Token Type
Token Nickname

Provide a 'nickname' of your choice for the token, so you can identity it in the future (e.g. "iPhone SYMC app"). You will see this nickname each time you e-prescribe controlled substances. 

Credential ID
  • Hard tokens (fobs) have a serial number on the back.
  • Soft tokens (VIP Access) have a Credential ID at the top of the screen.

Use the appropriate format when entering your token information:

Token Serial Number/Credential ID Format
VIP Access
  • SYMC########  (no spaces)
  • SYMD########  (no spaces)
  • VSST########   (no spaces)


Symantec (Hard Token)
  • AVT########
  • FT########
  • ######## (no dashes) 


One-Time-Pin (OTP)

Enter the security code generated by your authenticator ("token"). 



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After you complete identity proofing and EPCS onboarding

Add/register at least one more token to your account.

  • If you lose access to your primary token and do not have a back up token registered to your account, you'll have to repeat the identity proofing and EPCS onboarding process in full. 
  • To register a second token to your existing account, follow instructions on: Manage my Tokens 

Token types that you can register as a second token include: 

  • Applications for your devices (also called a soft token). Note: DEA regulations require that your soft token be on a different device than the one you're using to e-prescribe.  
  • Physical device (also called a hard token or fob) 
    • Symantec brand (image on the left)  
    • OneSpan brand (image on the right) 

OnespanToken.png          SymantecVIPToken.png

 (click to enlarge)

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