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Add & manage VIP access app (soft token)

A soft token is an application that can be used to generate a one-time pin or one-time passcode (OTP) for electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS). 

1. Download a soft token 

Symantec, the same company that makes Symantec hard tokens, also makes an application called VIP Access that generates an OTP. 

To download a soft token (VIP Access by Symantec) to your device: 

  • Go directly to to download VIP Access 
  • Go to the Google Play or Apple App store to download VIP Access by Symantec.  

Note: DEA requires that the soft token be on a different device from the device that you are using to prescribe a controlled substance.

2. Add a soft token to your account 

There are 2 ways you can access the screen in EPCS to associate your soft token to your account:

Select one of the drop-down items below to see instructions for each. 

Through EPCS Gold prescriber dashboard 

1. Login to the EPCS Gold Prescriber Dashboard using your NPI number and passphrase.

Note: The passphrase is the password you use to electronically prescribe controlled substances (EPCS); you created this passphrase when completing the EPCS enrollment.


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2. To finish logging in, enter a one-time pin or one-time passcode (OTP) from a token that is already associated to your account. 


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3. Select either Tokens tab at the top or click the Manage Tokens button at the bottom right of the page.


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4. Select Add New Token. 



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5. A new section named Add Two Factor Authentication Token will appear below the button. From the drop-down menu, select Symantec as the Token Manufacturer.


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6. Fill out the fields for the soft token as follows: 


Selection Options

Token Issuer DRFIRST
Token Type
Token Nickname

Provide a nickname of your choice for the token, so you can identity it in the future (e.g., "iPhone token app")

Credential ID

For VIP Access Soft Token (App), enter the Credential ID that appears at the top without spaces, such as:

  • SYMC###########
  • SYMZ###########
  • VSST###########

One-time pin or one-time passcode (OTP). This is a 6-digit code generated by the token. It generally expires every 30 seconds. 

7. Save. Your token is now associated with your account.


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Through desktop
1. Depending on your integration, login to Desktop directly through your EMR or by going to 

2. Go to the main menu on the top left. 

3. Select Utilities

4. Select Token Management.


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5. Log in to EPCS Gold Prescriber Dashboard with your NPI and passphrase.

Note: The passphrase is the password you use to electronically prescribe controlled substances (EPCS); you created this passphrase when completing the EPCS enrollment.


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6. Enter a one-time pin or a one-time passcode (OTP) from a token that is already associated to your account. 


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7. If you are not already at the token management screen, select either Tokens tab at the top or click the Manage Tokens button at the bottom right of the page. Both will take you to token management.


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8. From here, select Add New Token. 


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9. A new section named Add Two Factor Authentication Token will appear below the button. From the drop-down menu, select Symantec as the Token Manufacturer.


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10. Fill out the fields for soft token as follows: 


Selection Options

Token Issuer DRFIRST
Token Type
Token Nickname

Provide a nickname of your choice for the token, so you can identity it in the future (e.g., "iPhone token app")

Credential ID

For VIP Access Soft Token (App), enter the Credential ID that appears at the top without spaces, such as:

  • SYMC###########
  • SYMZ###########
  • VSST###########

One-time pin or one-time passcode (OTP). This is a 6-digit code generated by the token. It generally expires every 30 seconds. 

11. Save. Your token is now associated with your account.


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