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Request a hard token

This article explains how to submit a request for a new or replacement hard token.

  • If you would like a soft token, please download VIP Access from your app store or
  • If you are contracted with an EHR, please reach out to your EHR for hard token replacement.
  • If you are contracted with DrFirst, follow the steps below

1.  Sign in to Submit a request at the top or bottom of the DrFirst Help Center (you may not see all options if you do not sign in). 


(click to enlarge)


2. Select Get Help.
  • If you do not see all the options below, please ensure you are signed in. 

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3. Fill out the form and enter the following details:

  • Which product do you need assistance with? Electronic Prescribing for Controlled Substances (EPCS Gold)
  • What do you need help with today? Token Assistance
  • Type of Token Assistance needed New Token


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4. Fill out the provider information as necessary, including the NPI, Practice Name, Account Username, Name, Address, and number of tokens needed.

(click to enlarge)

Note: If this is a  request for a token to be replaced, DrFirst has a 90-day limited warranty period on hard tokens. This limited warranty excludes damage or loss. For warranty claims, include the provider's NPI.

5. Specify if the token is being delivered to a Residence using the Is this being delivered to a Residence? drop-down.

(click to enlarge)

6. Click Submit.

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