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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What if I cannot log in to my account?

You may be unable to log in to your iPrescribe account for several reasons: 

  • Forgot username: You created your username, which is not the same as your email address, when you registered yourself in the app for the first time. If you do not remember your username, submit a request for Support.  
  • Forgot password: If you forgot your password in iPrescribe, select the Forgot Password? link on the login screen. 
  • Paid subscription inactive: You need an active, paid subscription to access iPrescribe. To update your payment method go to: 
  • Lockout period: After 3 failed attempts to enter your login password, iPrescribe automatically locks you out for 5 minutes. Please wait 5 minutes, and if you still cannot log in to your account try selecting Forgot Password? 


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How do I add a practice location to iPrescribe? 

Currently, you can only change your default practice location in iPrescribe. 

To add a practice location, submit a request to DrFirst Support. Currently, the practice location and DEA number must be for the same state. 

How do I add a DEA license to my account? 

You will need to register for iPrescribe again directly through DrFirst, so please submit a request to DrFirst Support. 

Where is my EPCS mailer (letter with QR code)? 

The mailer to complete the activation for electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) should arrive at your DEA-listed address within 5-10 business days after you ordered it within the app, during Activate EPCS in iPrescribe.

If you do not receive it within 10 business days:

1. Verify that the business address listed by the DEA for you is current on the NPI Registry

2. Submit a request to DrFirst Support to resend the mailer to the address on file with the DEA or if your mailer has expired. 

To see what you will do with the mailer after you receive it, go to: What is the EPCS Mailer?

How do I edit a provider's details in an iPrescribe account? 

If you registered for iPrescribe independently (not through DrFirst Sales), you may modify some details in your account by going to: 

1. Main menu

2. Settings

3. Account Management 

From Account Management you may remove a provider from your account and modify some account details. To learn more about what you can change, go to: Account Management

Does registering give me access to prescribe non-controlled substances?

Yes, you can prescribe non-controlled substances once you register for iPrescribe.
To register, please refer to Register for iPrescribe and follow the steps provided.

Why can't I prescribe controlled substances? 

To prescribe controlled substances you will need to: 

  • Have completed activation for electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS), which includes:
    • Verifying your account using a code listed in a letter mailed to your DEA-listed address 
    • Having the reference (admin) you listed verify that you are authorized for EPCS 
  • Enter two-factor authentication when you sign off on a controlled substance prescription
    1. A password only used to send controlled substance prescriptions 
    2. A one-time-pin from either a physical device or app associated with your account. Note: DEA requires that the physical device or app that generates the one-time-pin resides on a different device than the one you use to prescribe. 

What is a token?

A token generates a one-time pin or one-time passcode (OTP) that needs to be used with a passphrase (controlled substances password) to e-prescribe controlled substances. 

A token may be either: 

  • A physical device, also referred to as a key fob, hard token, or authenticator. 
  • An app, also referred to as a soft token or authenticator.


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