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Manage Provider Agents

What is a Provider Agent?

  • A Provider Agent is a staff user that a provider has designated to transmit legend (non-controlled) prescriptions on their behalf.
  • Provider Agents may send a prescription to the pharmacy, and the provider will receive a notice to sign the transmitted prescription.
  • If you reside in the state of NY or GA, you cannot add a provider agent. 

How to select a Provider Agent

1. In iPrescribe, go to the main menu and select Settings

iPrescribeMainHamburgerMenu.png           iPrescribe-settings.png 

(click to enlarge)

2. Tap Manage My Agents.

(Click to enlarge)
3. Review the Provider Agent Authorization and select Agree.
(Click to enlarge)

4. Select the staff user(s) that are to have provider agent privileges.


(Click to enlarge)


5. Scroll to bottom of the screen and tap the Approve Changes button to save.

6. Confirmation appears at the top of the screen. 

(Click to enlarge)

Note: Return to Manage My Agents to revoke privileges from users as needed.

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