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Unique features at your fingertips

Prescribe anything from your phone. Really.

With iPrescribe, writing prescriptions while on-the-go has never been easier.

iPrescribe is a mobile application with unique features designed to enhance your e-prescribing experience right from your phone. 

  • Send prescriptions from your phone within minutes. 
  • Call your patients from the app. Easily call your patients directly from the app after a quick verification process. iPrescribe also masks your personal mobile number.

  • Handle requests from the pharmacy. Go to Rx Requests in the main menu to efficiently review and process pharmacy requests for your patients' prescriptions, such as renewals or substitutions.

  • Check PMP/PDMP data. View Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP)/Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) data right in the app, as you go through the electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) workflow. 

  • Automatically fax copies of a prescription. With the auto fax feature, you can send copies of non-fillable prescription copies to your office's fax machine for efficient data entry at your practice.

  • Enable text message reminders to your patients, when their prescription is ready. For this feature to work, your patient's mobile number needs to be listed on their profile and your organization should not opt out of this feature. 
  • Use Secure Chat from the app's home screen, which connects you with Backline. Backline is a DrFirst product that allows for HIPAA compliant communications regarding patient care, such as securely sharing clinical data and comments within the care team. To activate a Backline account, contact us

Learn more

To learn more about iPrescribe features or to watch a short demo of the iPrescribe app, visit 

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