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Find your iPrescribe app version

Check which version of the iPrescribe app you have installed on your phone by following the instructions below. 

On iPhone


1. Tap the iPrescribe mobile app icon from your device's home screen.

2. The iPrescribe version number will display on the login page, right beneath the Log In button.

mceclip3.png          Login.png

 (click to enlarge)

On Android

1. Tap the iPrescribe mobile app icon from your device's home screen.

2. The iPrescribe version number will display on the login page, right beneath the Log In button.

mceclip3.png          Login.png

 (click to enlarge)

Still don't see a version number?

If you don't see the version number on your iPrescribe login screen, you will need to update your app.

Click here to view steps for updating your iPhone or Android mobile device.

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