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Step 1: Register for iPrescribe (group & individual)

This article is for users registering for iPrescribe app on their own (self-registered).

To learn more about different accounts, visit or contact your Account Manager. 

As of April 2023, the iPrescribe app will allow new or existing subscribers to register multiple providers who are new to iPrescribe under a single practice account.

  • One provider at the practice will be able to register and manage all users under a single account and credit card.
  • Providers who register for iPrescribe for the first time, but will be registering as the only provider in their practice may also register. 

Registering new users with Doximity is not supported. Follow steps below to obtain iPrescribe credentials. 

Before you sign up provider(s) under a single practice, ensure you have the following information readily available:

  • NPI number
    • Your NPI registry profile must be up-to-date, as iPrescribe uses this information to validate your account.
    • Ensure your state license number in your NPI registry is marked as the primary taxonomy
    • To update your NPI record visit: 
  • Access to your email
  • Driver’s license, or state ID for identity proofing
  • Social Security Number
  • Credit Card for your practice 
New subscriber registering only yourself 

Prerequisite: Download iPrescribe from Get Started, or the Google Play or Apple app stores. 

We recommend registering in one sitting. 

  1. Enter your NPI number. 


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  2. Enter your practice email address. Note: You cannot use this same email again to create another iPrescribe account.
  3. Create a password. 


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  4. Record your username. Use the "paper" icon next to your username to copy it onto your clipboard. Note: The username cannot be changed. 


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  5. Enter your information (provider role and specialty).


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  6. Enter your practice information and Save


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  7. Enter 1 as the number of licenses you want to purchase for the practice and enter any promotional codes.
      • This is the license for yourself; the cost per prescriber/license is $360 before state sales tax.
      • The app will automatically calculate your pre-tax total cost.


    (click to enlarge)

  8. Select Continue to Payment to enter credit card information into Stripe, which iPrescribe uses to process payments.
  9. Enter your credit card information (1 credit card per practice). Note: You may still redeem a promotional code on this screen by selecting Add code at the top right.

    stripe 360.png

    (click to enlarge)

  10. Next, the app will take you through identity proofing in when you select Launch
    For instructions on this process, go to Identity Proofing with
  11. Once verifies your identity, log in again to iPrescribe to begin e-prescribing non-controlled substances.

Note: You will need to complete a separate process to e-prescribe controlled substances (EPCS). Learn more in Activate E-prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) in iPrescribe.

New subscriber registers multiple new subscribers (group Registration/register a practice)

Before you can register multiple providers under a practice, you need to register yourself and your practice in iPrescribe.

We recommend registering in one sitting. 

When you register yourself, you will automatically become the administrator of the group account, allowing you to:

  • Manage users
  • Modify permissions
  • Purchase new licenses

You may designate a different administrator at a later time.

1. Get iPrescribe by either:

  • Going to and selecting the Get Started button
  • Downloading the iPrescribe app directly from the Google Play or Apple store

2. If you are completely new to iPrescribe, enter an NPI number and select Next.


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3. Enter your practice email address. Note: You cannot use this same email again to create another iPrescribe account.

4. Create a password. 


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5. Record your username. (Use the paper icon next to your username to copy it onto your clipboard.) Note: The username cannot be changed once you create it. 


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6. Enter your information (provider role and specialty), as you will be the manager for this group account.  Select Save.


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7. Enter your practice information and Save


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8. Next, enter the number of licenses you want to purchase for the practice and any promotional codes. The app will automatically calculate your pre-tax total cost.

  • Each prescriber will require a license.  
  • You will use up 1 license as the person registering members of the practice.
  • The cost per prescriber/license is $360 before state sales tax. There is no charge for staff accounts.
  • Select Continue to Payment to enter credit card information into Stripe, which iPrescribe uses to process payments.

Number of licenses.png

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9. Enter your credit card information (1 credit card per practice). Note that you may still redeem a promotional code on this screen by selecting Add code at the top right.



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10. Next, the app will take you through identity proofing in when you select Launch
For instructions on this process, go to Identity Proofing with

Return to this article once you are done with Identity Proofing with

11. Once verifies your identity, you will see a success message and a button that prompts you to Invite members of your practice to your group account.

  • You may leave the app at this screen; log back in at a later time and go to Account Management (via main menu) in the iPrescribe app to invite members of your practice. If you exit and need to return, use this link:


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12. Once you select the Invite button, the app will prompt you to login again.

Note: If you need to complete this process later, log into the app and navigate to Account Management (via main menu) to follow the next steps. 

13. Once you login, you will see an Account Management screen. If not, go to the main menu and select Account Management


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14. Select Team Members. You will see your own name appear as a team member at the top of the screen.


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15. Select Add Member on the bottom of the screen to add other providers.

  • Remember that you have already used 1 license for yourself.
  • You will use 1 of your purchased licenses per provider.
  • Staff accounts do not use up available licenses.

Team members.png

(click to enlarge)

16. Select the team member role (prescriber or staff) you want to add.

Adding a Prescriber Account 

  1. Select the radio button for a Prescriber to add a provider. This role will use up a license.
  2. Enter the first name, last name, and email address of that provider.
  3. Slide the toggle to Yes at the bottom if you want this provider to act as a practice administrator.
  4. Select Invite.
  5. You will see that the provider has been added as a team member and an email has been sent to that provider.
  6. The email will prompt the provider to register for iPrescribe, after which the provider will have to go through identity proofing with     10_Register_ProviderRadioScreen.png

 (click to enlarge)


Adding a Staff Account 

  1. Select the radio button for Staff to add a non-clinical, clinical, or provider agent account. These roles will not use up a license.
  2. Enter the first name, last name, email, and role of this staff account.
    • Note: A provider agent must be designated in-app. Once the staff member has completed registration, a prescriber must designate them as a provider agent via Manage Agents in the iPrescribe app.
  3. Slide the toggle to Yes at the bottom if you want this provider to act as a practice administrator.
  4. Select Invite.
  5. You will see that the staff member has been added as a team member and an email has been sent to that staff member.  The email will prompt the staff member to register for iPrescribe and join the group practice.

11_Register_StaffRadio.png    Staff Setup.png

 (click to enlarge)

17. Add more team members later by logging back into the app at any time.

18. If you start to add another team member but you have run out of licenses, the app will prompt you to purchase another license using the credit card saved in your account. You will only be able to purchase 1 license at a time.

zero licenses add.png

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Existing subscriber registers multiple new subscribers (group registration/register a practice)
  • If you are a provider with an existing paid account in iPrescribe, you may invite other providers to your existing practice.
  • You will be the default administrator for the practice and can invite new administrators to your practice
  • Currently, you may only invite prescribers who are new to iPrescribe to be part of that practice.
  • If you wish to invite someone with an existing iPrescribe account, they will need to deactivate their current account and re-register with a new account under your practice. Note: Their username cannot be changed later. 

We recommend registering in one sitting. 

1. Log in to iPrescribe.

  • Once you log in, you will be able to invite providers and staff members as team members of your practice.

2. Go to the main menu and select Account Management. 


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3. On the Account Management screen, click on Team Members to begin adding new members to your practice. 


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4. Select Add Member on the bottom of the screen to add other providers.

  • Remember that you have already used 1 license for yourself.
  • You will use up 1 of your purchased licenses per provider.
  • Staff accounts do not use up available licenses.

Team members.png

(click to enlarge)

5. Select the team member role (prescriber or staff) you want to add.

Adding a Prescriber Account 

  1. Select the radio button for a Prescriber to add a provider. This role will use up a license.
  2. Enter the first name, last name, and email address of that provider.
  3. Slide toggle to Yes at the bottom if you want this provider to act as a practice administrator.
  4. Select Invite.
  5. You will see that the provider has been added as a team member and an email has been sent to that provider.
  6. The email will prompt the provider to register for iPrescribe, after which the provider will have to go through identity proofing with     10_Register_ProviderRadioScreen.png

 (click to enlarge)


Adding a Staff Account 

  1. Select the radio button for a Staff to add a non-clinical, clinical, or provider agent account. These roles will not use up a license.
  2. Enter the first name, last name, email, and role of this staff account.
    • Note that a provider agent must be designated in-app. Once the staff member has completed registration, a prescriber must designate them as a provider agent via Manage Agents in the iPrescribe app.
  3. Slide toggle to Yes at the bottom if you want this provider to act as a practice administrator.
  4. Select Invite.
  5. You will see that the staff member has been added as a team member and an email has been sent to that staff member.  
  6. The email will prompt the staff member to register for iPrescribe and join the group practice.

11_Register_StaffRadio.png    Staff Setup.png

 (click to enlarge)

6. Add more team members later by logging back into the app at any time.

7. If you start to add another team member but you have run out of licenses, the app will prompt you to purchase another license using the credit card saved in your account. You will only be able to purchase 1 license at a time.

zero licenses add.png

(click to enlarge)

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