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Step 8: Introduction to prescribing in iPrescribe

iPrescribe has multiple pathways to creating a prescription, depending on the integration your organization has with DrFirst. 

If you registered yourself and/or your practice for iPrescribe, you can prescribe from your patient's profile using any of the following workflows: 

  1. Create Rx button 
  2. From Active Medications
    • Prescribe button, or 
    • Renew button 
  3. From Inactive Medications
    • Prescribe button, or  
    • Renew button 

Select each drop-down item below to learn more. 

Create Rx Button  

1. Log into the iPrescribe app. 

2. Go to your patient’s profile as you would normally: 

     a. Select New Rx from the main menu


(click to enlarge)

     b. Search for your patient's name.

     c. Select your patient’s name to see their profile.

3. Select the Create New Rx button on the bottom of the screen. 


(click to enlarge)

4. You will see a search bar where you can enter the name of the medication.

Below the search bar, you will see sections that help you prescribe faster using pre-populated prescription information: 

  • Recents pre-populates prescription information that you recently used for that medication 
  • Favorites includes basic prescription information that is commonly used by you or at your practice; you may customize prescription details for your practice favorites 
  • Commonly Prescribed/Other - select the medication name and dosage to start filling out prescription information 

5. Once you have entered and reviewed all prescription details, you will see options to: 

  • Sign and Send to send this single prescription to the pharmacy immediately. 
  • Add to Pending to add this prescription to your list of Pending prescriptions. The Pending prescriptions section allows you to send multiple prescriptions simultaneously. 

ip rx review.png

(click to enlarge)

6. For either Sign and Send or Add to Pending, if you are prescribing a controlled substance, you will be prompted to provide two-factor authentication to send the prescription to a pharmacy:

  • your login password for iPrescribe and,
  • one-time-pin from an authenticator/token 
Active Medications: Prescribe or Renew Button 

1. Log into the iPrescribe app. 

2. Go to your patient’s profile as you would normally: 

     a. Select New Rx from the main menu


(click to enlarge)

     b. Search for your patient's name.

     c. Select your patient’s name to see their profile.

3. Go the the Active Medications section on the screen. 


(click to enlarge)

4. Either select the row of the medication you want to prescribe, or swipe left on the medication you want to prescribe to display the following options: Stop, Prescribe, or Renew

  • Prescribe allows you to review and change instructions for a prescription before you select to either Sign and Send the prescription or add it to your list of Pending prescriptions 
  • Renew allows you to use pre-existing prescription instructions for a prescription and adds it directly to the Pending prescriptions queue 


(click to enlarge)

5. For either Sign and Send or Add to Pending, if you are prescribing a controlled substance, you will be prompted to provide two-factor authentication to send the prescription to a pharmacy:

  • your login password for iPrescribe and,
  • one-time-pin from an authenticator/token  
Inactive Medications: Prescribe or Renew Button 

1. Log into the iPrescribe app. 

2. Go to your patient’s profile as you would normally: 

     a. Select New Rx from the main menu


(click to enlarge)

     b. Search for your patient's name.

     c. Select your patient’s name to see their profile.

3. Go the the Inactive Medications section on the screen. 

4. Either select the row of the medication you want to prescribe, or swipe left on the medication you want to prescribe to display the following options: Stop, Prescribe, or Renew

  • Prescribe allows you to review and change instructions for a prescription before you select to either Sign and Send the prescription or add it to your list of Pending prescriptions 
  • Renew allows you to use pre-existing prescription instructions for a prescription and adds it directly to the Pending prescriptions queue 


(click to enlarge)

5. For either Sign and Send or Add to Pending, if you are prescribing a controlled substance, you will be prompted to provide two-factor authentication to send the prescription to a pharmacy:

  • your login password for iPrescribe and,
  • one-time-pin from an authenticator/token  


To check if a prescription was delivered to the pharmacy, go to the main menu and select History.

Learn more: 

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